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Licensing agreements play an important role in business. We recently discussed some of the finer points associated with using stock images for your company. You have to ensure that you are always in compliance with the laws and terms of using these images, but your duty doesn't stop with only stock images.

Your business' online presence is likely a big part of your company's brand. Whether you have a simple website, an intricate one or a blog, you need to make sure that you have permission from the appropriate places and people for everything you have on the website.

We understand that this might seem like a lot of work right now; however, taking care of this now can save you time and money in the future. You need to look at the images and copy on the website or blog to ensure that you have permission to use everything. You can obtain this by hiring someone to take the pictures, create the graphics or write the copy. You can also choose to do this yourself. What you never need to do is to go and take these things from another website because you might face legal issues if you do.

Even if you are using marketing materials for merchandise, you need to be sure that you have theĀ proper licensing for everything. We can help you go over what you need and work with you to get it all in order so that your website doesn't become the subject of a lawsuit. Whether you just got your website built or have had it for years, we can review this for you.

The author's opinions expressed in this article are strictly his/her own and should not be attributed to any others, including other attorneys at Klein DeNatale Goldner or the law firm as a whole.
